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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Married life two months later...

So here are my notes on marriage and things I've discovered about myself thus far:

1) Compromise does not have to be a four letter word but sometimes is.

2) I really am as stubborn as people have been saying for years (thanks mom and dad).

3) I never realized how much video games drive me crazy.

4) I have more characteristics of my mother in me than I knew existed (not a bad thing, just kinda funny :).

5) I can NEVER make up my mind and drive Lee crazy.

6) No matter what happens, it's unbelievable how much your love for someone grows everyday. Especially when they do sweet things for you like the dishes, laundry and cooking.

7) It's a huge and frustrating eye opener when things don't work out (like cars start crapping out on you) and you have to start saving up to pay for it.

8) I always thought I'd get tired of someone when I have to live with them 24-7, but I don't. I actually even miss him when I'm just at work.

9) Hormones suck and I feel bad for men for having to put up with women....first time ever

10) I always wondered why couples disappeared when they got married...but it turns out it makes perfect sense. You already have a built-in hang out buddy at all times.

11) Most of all...Life is good and I'm pretty darn lucky that someone puts up with me :)


  1. You are lucky you found someone that will put up with you...of course it's only been a few months! ;)

    Glad you started a blog!

    Love you guys!

  2. love it! I am so happy you have a blog!! miss you guys!
